The Rosebuds

Speaking of labels earlier, I was surfing around stereogum at the beginning of the week and clicked on a link to Merge Records. Apparently this label has brought us Arcade Fire, Camera Obscura, Spoon, Wye Oak, She and Him, Shout Out Louds, and many many others. They even have their own "Merge Radio" that randomly streams songs from their catalog. I haven't had that much of a chance to really dig through the site, but I like it. Anyway, I found myself streaming Life Like by The Rosebuds in its entirety, and I recommend checking it out while you still can. The album will be released next week on October 7th.

The Rosebuds - Life Like

P.S. There are also tracks (from what I can tell so far, "Nice Fox" and "In the Backyard") that feature Justin Vernon of Bon Iver, who also appeared on the track below which was part of the remixed version of the previous album, Night of Furies.

The Rosebuds - Get Up Get Out (Bon Iver Remix)


d said...

Thanks for reminding me about this group. I've been listening to these two songs for a while, but had forgotten to get around to listening to much else by this band.

AnnieB said...

yeah, i'm not very familiar with this band's other material either. i've seen them show up on a number of blogs, but i didn't really take notice until i came across the site and left the music running.