Here's the first in our thousand part series, Get to know a fellow 61'er (Yeah, I'm a big Colbert fan!) If you'd like to participate, here are the instructions.
- Your 61 Listener ID: timyjl
- Current Favorite Band: 3 way tie: Guster, Muse, Levi Weaver, CJizzle… But seriously there are far too many to choose.
- Band you most wish would post music: Melophone.
- Your musical guilty pleasure: Weird Al's Amish Paradise.
- How did you hear of The Sixty One: Dee eye double guh dot com.
- How much less productive are you since you've joined?: 72.8% ± 3.49
- What is the biggest change you'd make to the61 site? A complete robustification of the tunbox concept. UI based notification for wall posts and tbx, tbx history, larger compose field, address book of subscribers, other, etc.
- The listener you'd most like to meet in person: Big Ears aka grandesoreilles because I would hafta go to Scotland to do so. and I always thought I would be dead sexy in a kilt. But everyone I have played wall tag with really.
- What do you think of Second Life Avatars for musicians and users? Sorry, not so much.
- What sort of stuff would you like to see on this blog?: More users.
Is that play count for real?
Yeah, I think they are. Crazy! I wish they also included how many bumps we've made right on the little listener badge.
Batty - You need to stop with the Bumpage! If it was currency, you'd be a rich woman, but it's just a number. I can hack the site for ya and give you more bumps than anyone else. Would that help you sleep? :-)
wow, timyjl. you've got me beat by way more than a thousand plays!
That's right, I'm coming for you annieb. I may not catch up to you in points, but I am only 4k behind on bump count. So… ya, be afraid, be very afraid. :P
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