Get to know a fellow 61'er: timyjl

Here's the first in our thousand part series, Get to know a fellow 61'er (Yeah, I'm a big Colbert fan!) If you'd like to participate, here are the instructions.

  1. Your 61 Listener ID: timyjl
  2. Current Favorite Band: 3 way tie: Guster, Muse, Levi Weaver, CJizzle… But seriously there are far too many to choose.
  3. Band you most wish would post music: Melophone.
  4. Your musical guilty pleasure: Weird Al's Amish Paradise.
  5. How did you hear of The Sixty One: Dee eye double guh dot com.
  6. How much less productive are you since you've joined?: 72.8% ± 3.49
  7. What is the biggest change you'd make to the61 site? A complete robustification of the tunbox concept. UI based notification for wall posts and tbx, tbx history, larger compose field, address book of subscribers, other, etc.
  8. The listener you'd most like to meet in person: Big Ears aka grandesoreilles because I would hafta go to Scotland to do so. and I always thought I would be dead sexy in a kilt. But everyone I have played wall tag with really.
  9. What do you think of Second Life Avatars for musicians and users? Sorry, not so much.
  10. What sort of stuff would you like to see on this blog?: More users.


timyjl said...

Is that play count for real?

Batface89 said...

Yeah, I think they are. Crazy! I wish they also included how many bumps we've made right on the little listener badge.

Apocalypse said...

Batty - You need to stop with the Bumpage! If it was currency, you'd be a rich woman, but it's just a number. I can hack the site for ya and give you more bumps than anyone else. Would that help you sleep? :-)

AnnieB said...

wow, timyjl. you've got me beat by way more than a thousand plays!

timyjl said...

That's right, I'm coming for you annieb. I may not catch up to you in points, but I am only 4k behind on bump count. So… ya, be afraid, be very afraid. :P