As batface89 posted yesterday, there are new subgenres up on the61. It took me a while to actually find them, since there's been no official announcement yet. And this may not be news to frequent genre users, but now when you select a specific genre from the homepage, the genre menu wipes over to a subgenre menu.
So far there are very few songs listed in any subgenre. I imagine that new uploads are now given the choice of all genre/subgenre categories, but old uploads are not going to be auto-re-categorized. I do not know if the artists will be able to re-categorize their songs after the fact.
Anyway, a complete listing of Genre/Subgenre for those interested:
Genres all | |
The interesting thing is there's still no World category. Poor ZUBA! How would they label themselves in this current scheme? What else is missing that is a "large" subgenre? I know the electronic and dance crowd could add about 20 or 30 more subgenres, but there's a line where the detail gets too fine. What's everyone's opinion on the new scheme? Should an effort be made to re-tag the current catalog?
I've not heard of a lot of those genres. I like to mix it up, rather than look too genre specific.
No UK Hip Hop or skiffle
May sound funny, but it's still rock and roll to me.
What's the matter with the new sound...
I can't believe I wasted all that time typing them out (posted on forums)
It's a good step.
I assume the problem with world is that there are hundreds of sub-genres. The basic sub-genres (to keep it to a small number) of African, South American, etc, would probably be almost as bad as having no world genre at all.
I'm assuming that Experimental, Instrumental & Vocal will be removed soon enough for the same reason as Acoustic. That is that they aren't genres, just descriptors.
Yes, new Sub-genre added, but the browse section now has a limitation and the bump 'max' was taken away!
Am I the only one who thinks there is too much restriction being put on the site? What happened to the free-trade model that created the initial utopia?
what's the bump 'max'?
If I were an artist, the last thing I would want to do would be to lock myself into genres as specific as these. I don't think they will last. I've seen music pirating sites try to do similar things over the years and it just doesn't work. By definition, genres are vague categories with no fixed boundaries. Art crosses over into multiple genres by way of borrowing and recombining generally accepted social norms. Creativity is one reason why I gave up on 'borrowing', re-encoding, and sharing DRM infected music put out by the RIAA. T61 has soul and the music industry forgot what that word meant a long time ago.
I can't wait to see what phreakymonkey has to say about this topic as we've discussed it in the past and I know he has some very strong feelings on this subject too.
I give this topic 5 bumps.
I agree entirely about the artists point. Really good artists tend to cross all over the place.
I think it's more to benefit listeners that want to listen to music that sounds like a more specific sound.
Assuming the bumping requirements to get posted are also affected by the sub-genre, it'll allow say industrial songs to post more easily than indie rock songs, whereas they were on the same footing before. (whether or not that is good is a whole other arguement)
I'm curious as to how the blogs will scrape now. Getting the wrong default genre was bad before, but it could be even worse now.
@punts - I take your point, but one thing to note: in the61 forums I think there are at least an equal number of calls for additional genres and subgenres from artists as well as listeners.
@imonlysleeping - I'm betting homepage posting will not be determined by subgenre.
Nice reformatting, AnnieB! Looks much better now. Thanks.
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