Here are two videos by the band Stab the Matador. The first is a professional video for the song Low Rider. It has interesting pulsating video effects and an awesome guitar sound. They had to use some sort of 'convert audio to keyframes' tool - my guess anyway. YouTube quality though. Meh.
Here's another Stab the Matador video for the song 'Doctor'. This one is by high school student Abby Wheeler of Harrisburg, PA. The tear effects are really cool. Abby did a lot of the editing 'in-camera' and used Final Cut Pro to finish it. Very cool, Abby. You have a future in this.
Yaah! The first video almost gave me seizures. Good song, but I couldn't watch it for more than 30 seconds. Kids these days...
wow, that second video is really impressive. i was way too nerdy in high school to make anything that cool. more, abby, more!
I had not seen the videos for these songs. Interesting!
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