thesixtyone merch store is up!

I was heading to the bottom of the page towards the forums link as I do regularly, and being a fairly observant fella, I knew something was amiss when I looked at the footer links - a couple of new links have surfaced:



I'm not sure how I feel about the RIAA: All Your Music Are Belong To Us gag...I get it, but...well, at least it's good to see our nagging suggestions for merchandise being heeded.

[Note: the about page was new to me as well, but might have already been there - seems to be a bit of what they had over at Facebook already.]


keith said...

good looking out lanky!

keith said...

yeah the RIAA shirt... eh.

no 61 highway logo shirt, that surprising. huh.

lankysob said...

Needless to say, I'll be ordering thesixtyone logo shirts in both colors and preparing to answer the inevitable "what is THAT?" questions. =)

lankysob said...

Yea. The RIAA bashing came out of left field. And you're right, I hadn't even thought of the 61 sign not being there. I wonder if they're worried about problems from the gubmint (or spreadshirt just didn't allow it). I'm also kind of dismayed at the lack of the 3 color 'themes' since I've used the Orange Theme since Day 1. Not a dealbreaker, as I'll still buy 'em, but it'd be nice to have the option.

keith said...

orange theme here too, once i noticed it about a week ago. yeah the shirts should reflect that. hm, yep, could be legal issues with the highway symbol i guess; wouldn't want johnny law to come sniffing around.

Apocalypse said...

I want a T-shirt with the "TASTY" logo no it and the 61 badge on the back. Iyzie, where are you? There's a demand to be filled.

bitterhoney said...

i want a tasty shirt as well... i've been a hot pink themer myself... i'm excited that there is merchandise in general, but here's where i'm going to be greedy and say... i want more.